"If, in the end we all die, then what's the point of life? This is a question I have had on my mind for almost a decade now."
This is a comment I made on a friend's status on Facebook today. Apparently, yesterday was Ask An Atheist Day (odd, but whatever) and my friend, being an atheist, said he was up to answering some questions. I, not being an atheist, naturally have some questions.
Here's a tiny bit of background on me. I grew up in a Christian home. Unlike most Christian homes (so I've been told) we were strongly encouraged to ask questions pertaining to our faith. Dad (being a bit of a homebrewed evangelical) asked us questions as to why we believed what we believed. He wanted us to not only have the answers (or where to find them) should someone ask us; but also that our faith was true, and not because that just what our parents believed. Which is why I have always had questions like the one I asked at the beginning of this blog.
Getting back to the story, a friend of my friend said that it's up to you do decide what your purpose in life is. My response to that was: "So it's a thief's purpose to steal? A murderer's purpose to kill?
I'm not being combative-I'm curious. My question was first asked by the Greek philosophers, who are an entirely different breed than the crap that is today's self help books.
Man is more than his base desires and emotions. If we do not strive for more than what we are, then what's the point of trying in the first place? Even the richest, most successful person succumbs to death in the end. So what's the point?"
To be completely honest, I was not trying to start a flame war (which thankfully did not occur). I was being genuine in my response. Thoughts like these go through my head on a frequent basis, so I was hoping to get some feedback from someone. It has always been my feeling that "It is better to debate a question with settling it than to settle a question without debating it" (-Joesph Jourbert). And, honestly, to have a firm, unshaking reason why you believe what you believe with ample evidence to back up your opinion.
After all, you never know who might show up and start asking questions.